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SafeLabCentre; The Best Hepatitis A Testing Centre

SafeLabCentre is the ultimate destination for all your hepatitis A tests. Our state-of-the-art facility and highly qualified staff ensure that you will have an easy time during this process, while our free pickup service means no need to worry about getting transported back home.

What Is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a liver inflammation that can complicate how well it functions. This condition may occur due to heavy alcohol use, exposure to certain toxins, medications, or certain medical conditions, like viral infections hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E.

Hepatitis A Information

The hepatitis A virus is an acute liver disease that can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or other body fluids. Unlike B & C, it doesn’t progress into a chronic condition and has few symptoms besides fever, fatigue, etc. Hepatitis A virus can be mild (last a few weeks) or severe (last several months). People who get infected with it typically only need rest and fluids while they recover from their illness, without any treatment necessary in most cases.


Adults who have been infected with the Hepatitis A virus can experience symptoms including but not limited to Fatigue, Jaundice, and stomach pain. People might also experience nausea or a decrease in appetite, which could lead to them losing weight quickly without noticing it because they’re so sick.

How Common Is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is among the most common viruses found in Americans. Over time, as reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there have been decreases thanks to a vaccination program that provides protection against this particular type of hepatitis, with an estimated 4 thousand cases reported in 2016 alone.


Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that can be caused by either viral or bacterial infections. It’s found all over the world, but there are some places where you’re more likely to get it – like developing countries with poor sanitary conditions.

How Serious Is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A (HAV) is a viral disease that affects your liver. It’s not common for people to develop chronic cases, but it has been reported in certain circumstances, such as when someone contracts multiple infections at once or due to their immune system being compromised by other medical problems like cancer treatment side effects from chemotherapy drugs. 


It can also happen sooner than expected if you’re older and/or have pre-existing conditions which weaken defense mechanisms against viruses – so stay healthy, my friend.

How Can Hepatitis A Be Transmitted

The virus is often passed through the consumption of contaminated food or water but can also be brought upon by objects that have been laid against your skin and then ingested.


The most typical way to contract Hepatitis A is by eating or drinking contaminated food and water. People who have not been vaccinated risk contracting this virus from other unvaccinated people through objects, such as spoons in your sink at home that may have seen some wineskin juice after a party last night.


Hepatitis A can be transmitted sexually whenever partners’ sexual fluids mix with infected feces. The most common way to acquire this virus is through oral-anal contact, which has a high chance of infecting someone else if they ingest your contaminated stool (or other bodily waste). Symptoms are often mild or not apparent – meaning you could pass on the infection before even realizing what happened.


There are as well a few other ways that you can contract hepatitis A. The most usual way is through personal contact with an infected person who doesn’t practice good hygiene, such as exchanging intravenous drugs in needles or having unprotected sex.

Symptoms of Hepatitis A

The hepatitis A virus is a very common infection, but not all people who get it will have any symptoms or signs of illness. When you do become infected with this strain of the disease, your body might experience milder cases that go away after 3-4 weeks without treatment; however, if left untreated, there’s still hope for recovery as long as we can stop its transmission to others.


These are the symptoms of hepatitis A


  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Low-grade fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dark urine
  • Joint pain
  • Clay-colored bowel movements
  • Sudden nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort, especially in your liver


When is One Supposed to See a Doctor?

If you suspect that the hepatitis A virus has been lurking in your system, it’s best to get checked out. You can still receive a vaccine or treatment for this illness even if 2 weeks have passed since exposure- just make sure not to miss any doses.


Hepatitis A Testing


A doctor will ask questions to get an idea of what may be wrong, but tests are needed for diagnosis. Blood samples can distinguish between types of hepatitis viruses, and if found infected with HAV – other procedures like imaging or biopsies could also take place through your healthcare provider in order to assess liver damage.

Types of Hepatitis A Testing

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is possible that your doctor will request tests to rule out hepatitis: fatigue; nausea or vomiting (which could be an indication of some other illness); yellowing skin and eyes (jaundice).

Antibody Tests

Antibody blood tests are a common way to diagnose infection with various viruses.

In order to help fight off diseases like hepatitis A, blood samples are taken and analyzed for the presence of specific antibodies. These include immunoglobulin M (IgM) or G molecules which can be measured as part of an anti-viral therapy program in some cases.


You can order the test kit from SafeLabCentre the tests yourself, get the results, and therefore find out whether you are infected with HAV or not without the doctor’s visit.


Imaging tests, such as ultrasonography and CT scans, can be used to diagnose abnormalities of the liver. These include inflammation or changes in size, which could mean there’s an infection going on, for example, but imaging alone won’t pinpoint what type you have, so it always helps when combined with other methods like blood tests, etc.


Liver biopsies are done to evaluate the tissue samples to identify features of a disease. The procedure does not require overnight hospital stays, but an anesthetic may be necessary because it is invasive and requires expertise in order to get good quality results as well as ensure patient safety during the extraction/injection process, which can’t always happen by chance alone.

Our Unmatched Hepatitis A Antibody Test

When the immune system recognizes a virus as being harmful, it produces antibodies to fight against that particular infection. The first type of these antiviral molecules is called immunoglobulin M (IgM). Our FDA-cleared test looks for specific levels in order to determine if someone has had any recent or current HAV infections, usually by taking their blood sample and examining it under a microscope.


The Safelabcentre.com website offers a convenient way to purchase and deliver your blood tests with no appointment necessary. Simply select the lab you would like, enter in some personal information such as contact details or medical history if applicable then supply an accepted form of payment for delivery within 2 business days; it’s that simple.

Why Choose our Hepatitis A Testing?

We know you’re looking for a lab that will provide accurate results and have the best-qualified professionals. We test in our own labs, which means there is no need to send samples anywhere else.


We are the best in our industry, with certified testing labs and qualified professionals. We have accurate results that will help you decide which company to choose for your health needs.

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