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SafeLabCentre | The Most Trusted Syphilis Testing Service in the Country

If you think you may have contracted Syphilis, it is important to get tested as soon as possible.


SafeLabCentre is the most trusted syphilis testing facility that offers confidential and accurate results on time. We want to make sure that everyone has access to quality and affordable syphilis testing. Our highly trained professionals use the latest technology to provide you with accurate results. We understand that getting tested for an STI can be a sensitive and personal matter, so we offer confidential testing services designed to put your mind at ease.

What is Syphilis?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. This illness has various stages, including primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. The symptoms of each stage can differ significantly, which is why it is important to get tested as soon as you think you may have contracted the infection.

Who Gets Syphilis?

While anyone who engages in unprotected sexual activity is at risk of contracting Syphilis, certain groups of people are more likely to get the infection. These include men who have sex with men, people who have multiple sexual partners, and those who engage in unprotected sex with someone who has Syphilis. People with HIV are also at an increased risk of developing Syphilis.


If you know you may have been exposed to the bacteria that cause Syphilis, it is important to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible to get tested and receive treatment if necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment of Syphilis are essential in preventing serious health complications.

How Syphilis Is Transmitted

Syphilis is a highly contagious STI, and it can often be passed on without either partner realizing they have the infection. The disease can be transmitted through direct contact with Syphilis sore during sexual activity. Sores typically occur on the genitals, rectum, or mouth. However, Syphilis can also be transmitted through other mucous membranes, such as the eyes or inside the nose. In addition, pregnant women can transmit the disease to their unborn children. For this reason, it is important to get tested for STIs regularly, especially if you are having unprotected sex.

What Are the Syphilis Symptoms?

Many people who contract Syphilis do not experience any symptoms for years. It is why the disease is often referred to as a silent infection. They can be very mild when symptoms do occur, making it easy to overlook the disease. The disease is divided into four stages: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary.

Primary Stage

The first stage of Syphilis is known as primary Syphilis. It is usually marked by the appearance of a single sore or chancre, but there may be multiple sores. The sore is usually firm, round, and painless. It appears at the site where Syphilis bacteria entered your body. The sore usually lasts 3 to 6 weeks and heals without treatment. However, if you don’t receive treatment, the Syphilis infection moves on to the second stage.

Secondary Stage

The second stage of Syphilis is named secondary Syphilis. It typically starts with a rash on one or more areas of your body. The rash usually doesn’t itch. It is often described as “copper penny-sized” spots on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet. The rash can also appear on your neck, trunk, arms, or legs. The rash usually goes away in 1-3 months.

Latent Stage

The latent (hidden) stage of Syphilis starts s when the secondary Syphilis Syphilis symptoms go away. Latent Syphilis can last for years, even decades, without causing any further problems. However, Syphilis bacteria remain alive in your body during this time and can still damage your brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints.

Tertiary Stage

The tertiary (final) stage of Syphilis Syphilis can occur 10–30 years after you first get infected if you don’t receive treatment. Syphilis bacteria damage your brain, heart, blood vessels, nerves, liver, bones, and joints. This damage can lead to paralysis (an inability to move), numbness, gradual blindness, dementia (memory loss and mental changes), and even death. A healthcare provider uses multiple tests to diagnose Syphilis since the signs and symptoms can be similar to those of other infections.

How Can You Avoid Syphilis?

The best way to avoid Syphilis is to abstain from sexual contact or to be in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is free of Syphilis.


If you are sexually active, you can reduce your risk of Syphilis by using latex condoms the right way every time you have sexual contact.


You should also get tested for Syphilis and other STDs at least once a year. If you are at higher risk for STDs, you may need to get tested more often. Talk to your doctor about how often you should get tested.


You can also reduce your risk of getting Syphilis by not sharing needles or other injecting equipment if you use drugs.

Is It Possible for Me To Contract Syphilis Again After Treatment?

It is possible to contract Syphilis again after treatment, but it is rare. Syphilis is a very treatable disease, and most people who are treated for it make a full recovery. However, a small number of people may experience recurrent infections. It usually occurs in people who do not follow the recommended treatment plan or who have a weakened immune system. If you think you may have contracted Syphilis again, it is important to see a doctor right away to be properly treated.

How Can SafeLabCentre Help?

At SafeLabCentre, we offer confidential and accurate Syphilis testing. We understand that Syphilis can be a sensitive issue, so we provide a judgment-free environment for all of our patients. Syphilis testing is quick and easy at our state-of-the-art facility, and you can rest assured knowing that our team of expert medical professionals is here to help you every step of the way.


If you think you may have Syphilis or have been exposed to the disease, don’t hesitate to contact SafeLabCentre today.

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